Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Trai website taken down by hackers after it reveals over 11 lakh email IDs online

Trai website taken down by hackers after it reveals over 11 lakh email IDs online
By tech2 News Staff /  28 Apr 2015 , 11:03
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) website was hacked yesterday by hacktivist group Anonymous India. It took responsibility for the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and bringing the site down. The www.trai.gov.in site is now functioning.
But the main reason behind taking the site down, displaying the email IDs of over 1 lakh netizens who had responded to Trai over its net neutrality consultation paper, was not resolved. You can still go to the comments page and see the personal  email IDs intact. It is a bit strange to see that Trai hasn’t taken off personal email IDs.
Twitter users are already tweeting to Anonymous to keep on the pressure.
Anonymous India has tweeted out an IRC link for those who are interested in talking to them. You will need to download mIRC and then follow instructions here to connect to chat room.
Earlier today, Trai had released the list of email IDs from which it received responses regarding Net Neutrality. This move received a great amount of flak from the public and at the same time, threatened the privacy of millions of internet users in India. As the number of comments was huge, Trai had divided the comments under three categories namely comments from service providers, comments from service providers associations and comments from other stakeholders.


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