Monday, May 18, 2015

Windows 10 PC upgrade not free for those using pirated copies; new Windows 10 Mobile build released

Windows 10 PC upgrade not free for those using pirated copies; new Windows 10 Mobile build released
By tech2 News Staff /  18 May 2015 , 10:06
Microsoft Windows OS is notorious for being pirated. While the Redmond giant has offered users of genuine Windows 7 and higher OSes a free upgrade to Windows 10 for PC, the same offer isn’t valid if your Windows copy is Non-Genuine or pirated.
“While our free offer to upgrade to Windows 10 will not apply to Non-Genuine Windows devices, and as we’ve always done, we will continue to offer Windows 10 to customers running devices in a Non-Genuine state. In addition, in partnership with some of our valued OEM partners, we are planning very attractive Windows 10 upgrade offers for their customers running one of their older devices in a Non-Genuine state,” said Terry Myerson on the Windows blogThere was no mention of costs in the blog, in case a non-genuine user wants to buy an original Windows 10 OS.
According to Microsoft, the company shows a watermark to notify the user if his or her copy of Windows is genuine or not. Non-Genuine Windows makes you vulnerable to high risk of malware, fraud, public exposure of personal information and so on.
On the Windows 10 Mobile front, Microsoft has released a new build for phones which brings with it a lot of new features. Apart from the some Lumia devices, this build will also support HTC One (M8) for Windows.
The Microsoft Build 10080 will support Lumia 930, Lumia Icon, Lumia 640, Lumia 640XL and HTC One (M8) for Windows. According to the post on Windows Blog, the Windows 10 Mobile will release after the launch of Windows 10 for PCs.
Some of the new features include Windows Store Beta for phones which is the first new look of the new Windows Store in Windows 10 for phones. It will come with limited functionality and will not have carrier billing feature enabled. Another new feature is the Universal office apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote Preview apps.
Apart from this there will be a brand new Camera app. “Note that high-end Lumia devices (1520, 1020, 930, 830, 640, and 640XL) have some features not supported by the new Camera app. For these devices, the new app will work but to get the full functionality from your device you will need to use the Lumia Camera app,” said the blog.
Additionally, the new build has also resolved some known errors.
Microsoft had recently announced the different types of Windows 10 variants. To read more about each variant read here. 

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